Vasemmistoliiton kansanedustajaehdokas Sylvain Kipre
Sylvain Kipré - Tietoa minusta!
Kuka olen?
Kotipaikka: Hämeenlinna. Olen syntynyt Abidjanin kaupungissa
Norsunluurannikolla.Olen Suomen kansalainen, naimisissa, minun vaimoni nimi on Irina Kipré, syntynyt
Hämeenlinnassa. Minulla on 3 lasta, Noël, Aaron ja Amélie. Tulin Suomeen vuonna
1992 opiskelemaan. Suomessa olen lukenut valtio-oppia ja kansainvälistä
politiikkaa Tampereen yliopistossa, LVI-tekniikkaa ammattikoulussa Porvoossa,
kansainvälistä kauppaa ammattikorkeakoulussa Tampereella ja teollisuustaloutta
Tampereen teknillisessä yliopistossa. Olen myös opiskellut muualla,
esim.geologiaa Norsunluurannikolla, matematiikkaa ja kirjanpitoa Strasbourgissa,
Ranskassa, Merenkulkua Norjassa ja Skotlannissa, kansainvälistä johtamista
Delawaressa, USA:ssa sekä projektihallintoa ja rakennustekniikkaa Oxfordissa
Iso-Britanniassa. Olen filosofian tohtori ja tuleva tekniikan tohtori tänä
vuonna 2011.Työkokemus
Tuotantotalouden tutkija: energian, rakennusalan ja PK-yrityksien asiantuntija.
Olen tällä hetkellä tuonti-vienti yrittäjä. Olen ollut kouluttaja (yrittäjyys,
kauppa, johtaminen, markkinointi, tuotantotalous, politiikka, projektihallinto
ja ranskan kieli). Olen ollut myös suurissa firmoissa aluejohtajana esim. Xerox,
Packard Bell, Honeywell, jne. Kipre Oy:n kautta olen ollut kurssien vetäjä ja
maahanmuuttajien yritystoimikehittäjä. Olen ollut Suomen Nuori Yrittäjä vuonna
1999 kilpailusarjassa "Yhteiskunnallinen valveutuneisuus ja vastuuntunto". Olen
työllistänyt yli 3000 maahanmuuttajaa Suomessa vuoden sisällä omien metodieni
Vasemmistoliiton kansanedustajaehdokas Sylvain Kipre lähetti tällaisen sähköpostin henkilölle, joka kyseli hänen CV:stään:
Hello Mr Tainio,
Most of you are just after me to know where I have studied and graduated. Please leave me in peace. I just gave all my information to YLE regadring the subject I have studied, graduation date, name of my professors including their direct contacts. If my personal life is so important to you, please contact Yle. Racism in Finland will never end. This is an open racism. Too much racism in this country no matter how we try to integrate ourselves. We are in 2011 but still many of you have such negative attitude of immigrants.
I am graduating again in few months as DOCTOR OF SCIENCE here in Finland at the Tampere University of Technology. Please stop racism.
In 2003, I was candiate to be MP in Tampere with the Green Party. I was almost killed because I was the only Black candiate. All my things were destroyed by finns, some of them threatened to kill me and I run away to Scotland with my family. All my information was on the internet, my business was destroyed and completely destroyed by racist Finns. Please google my name and you will see how Finns are too racist. Why don't you let your ethnic minorities to be candidates as the majority?
In 2011, the same thing is going on again and again. I don't want to prove anything. PLEASE LEAVE ME IN PEACE.
Many Finns think that immigrants are taking their jobs but no, not at all. If you see several kebabs, pizzerias, shops and restaurants in Finland it is because there are no jobs available for immigrants. I have was in fact the first person to develop minority entrepreneurship in Finland. I have created lots jobs through my methods and made job placements.
For the last time, please my education and workplace have nothing to do with politics. Please, please and please leave me in peace. You are making lots of forums to discuss about me on the net.
You see, I have created lots of jobs for foreigners in Finland it means that I could also create jobs for Finns as well. This is the most important but not my education, my country of birth, race of degree. It is what I can do for Finland. I am proud to be a Finn. Finland is my second country. I am a patriot and ready to die for this like you. I have nothing to prove. I am a candidate like any candidate. I need my privacy please even if I am in politics.
I came to politics not be rich or millionnaire if that was the case but to help people especially immigrants. I have always done that. I know that I will not pass but just to participate is the most important to show that the minorities are candidates in this country. In a country, it is impossible to be 100% even piano players use some to time their black keys.
I am so shocked that people are so much about my education like I was applying for a job. I am not looking for a job. I am candidate to help. I want to help the immigrants to be good entrepreneurs in Finland. Ok sorry I have no time I must go now.
Best regards and god bless,
Sylvain Kipré
******************************************************************************* Sylvain Kipré
Department of Industrial Management
Tel: +358 465 763 843 / +358 3 318 3962, Fax: +358 3 311 52027
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Mitähän jos olisi persujen ehdokas, kyllä olisi lehdistö riemuissaan.
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